Monday, April 11, 2011

PB Girls, Cucina Report & When the Cat's Away...

So, even though the PB Girls flaked on us this past Saturday (joke), the Cucina ride was a really nice time...


Actually, wait a second! Before we report on Saturday's ride, let's pause a second and cover a detail or two with regard to the PB Girls.

It came up (and this is just conjecture, but...) that one reason the lovely ladies might not have attended the ride this past weekend, is that when they've come along in the past, there has been an inclination on the part of some of our guests (or maybe it's just people who have latched onto our peloton?) to try and attack/out-ride them. Ok--well, it should be said that when the PB Girls come on our rides, we're looking to be nothing short of gracious hosts. That said, perhaps with this short message you can help us along the way with some social enforcement of our agenda...

The deal is that these are professional cyclists who are joining us on their "day off." So we like to keep that in mind and it should be clear that this sort of behavior is just not necessary. We'd simply like to have the ladies along for the ride so that we can all enjoy their company, and so that we can all benefit from their certain ability to contribute to what we advertise as a group ride with a "brisk pace." It's not intended to be a race ride. Thanks again for all your support, and hopefully, their pro bike racer schedules permitting, we'll see the ladies out there again soon. :)

The weather Saturday was glorious. Just a tiny bit of crispness in the air as we gathered, and as we rolled out, but for the most part the riding conditions were ideal. This month we had a fun group mixing both Marin and San Francisco peeps--thanks to all for joining. It's always a pleasure!

Cory (one of the City Cycle chiefs) was out riding with us on his ultra sweet Trek Madone (a custom Project One bike)...Meanwhile, the crew back in SF got up to their typical shenanigans. When Cory returned to work on Sunday the entrance to his office space looked like this...And his desk...
So, I guess the moral of this story is that even if you're the boss, sometimes you have to pay to play. :)

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